Quality Assurance


TBD - push notifications on initial setup TBD - walk through slides

  1. install app
  2. accept permission requests
  3. register
  4. kill and restart app
  5. test bio-auth login
  6. logout
  7. login
  8. go to profile settings and reset password
  9. use emailed pin to reset password & sign in
  10. navigate through each tab to ensure everything looks right
  11. change between light & dark mode
  12. change profile picture with photo
  13. change profile picture with photo from gallery
  14. open privacy policy on profile settings action sheet
  15. open terms & conditions on profile settings action sheet
  16. open settings page on profile settings action sheet
  17. change name & description
  18. change password & log back in if necessary
  19. delete account
  20. re-register
  21. create hub
  22. confirm that hub shows on map of homepage
  23. tap map to open it
  24. tap pin for hub and ensure it opens hup page then go back to home page
  25. ensure there's no prompt on home page to create a hub
  26. open hub and select options from top right
  27. ensure you can navigate to admin hub page
  28. go to profile page & select your hub to admin
  29. change name & description of hub
  30. go to home page, select the hub and ensure they reflect the changes
  31. go to profile, got to admin hub page for your hub
  32. delete hub & recreate a new hub
  33. sign out of account

Second User

  1. create new account
  2. sign out

First User

  1. sign into first user account
  2. invite second user to hub
  3. sign out

Second User

  1. sign into second user
  2. confirm that invite shows up on home page & confirm that you can open it
  3. go to notifications page and ensure there's a notification for invite
  4. open invite & reject it
  5. logout

First User

  1. login to first user
  2. go to profile page, select admin your hub, confirm that the invite is gone
  3. re-invite the second user
  4. sign out

Second User

  1. sign into second user
  2. open invite from home page and accept invite
  3. ensure you're navigated back to the home page and the hub shows up in your hubs
  4. ensure there's no empty invite section
  5. open invite
  6. confirm that everything looks alright and that you're not able to see who's present or away
  7. sign out

First User

  1. sign into first user
  2. open hub and make sure user 2 is there
  3. go to admin hub page & activate the hub
  4. sign out

Second User

  1. sign into second user
  2. open hub from home page & confirm that you can see who's present or away
  3. add a micro chat
  4. select the micro chat & send it from the action sheet
  5. sign out

First User

  1. sign into first user
  2. open notifications & confirm you have a notification from the micro chat
  3. open hub & test uber navigation then go back
  4. open navigate in map and select apple maps then ensure that it shows properly

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